Elgar Pratishthan kalyankumar


Kalyan Kumar

Mr. Kumar s project is an in depth study of an industrial town, Jamshedpur, which owes it growth to the setting up of an iron and steel industry in 1907. His study will involve looking into the histories of capital, labor, architecture, planning, social relations, and the spatial relations of the town. Through, his study, Mr. Kumar will write the history of the city and explore the issue of urbanism and its relation to industrial capitalistic development in the Indian context.

Academic Year: 2005-06

Direction: To Yale

Exchange Partners:  JNU

Research Interest:

The Making And Unmaking of A Steel City: Urban Landscape of Jamshedpur, C.1907-1970


सुप्रसिद्ध शिक्षणतज्ञ, लेखक, विचारवंत हेरंब कुलकर्णी व सचिव डॉ. कल्याणकुमार"
kalyan kumar"
Date of Birth 03/01/1980
  • Elgar Pratishthan Secretary२०१० पासून आत्तापर्यंतChitegaon, Maharashtra, India